For someone whose legal team has yet to address any of the major issues in the case, this is a truly useless question. Broadcasting won’t affect the evidence, the verdict, or anything else. This is a conviction in progress, and nobody, particularly Trump, seems to have noticed.
Federal prosecutors are objecting to broadcasting on the basis it will turn the trial into a circus. As though it could possibly be anything else. You bring Dumbo into a courtroom, and you will get a circus. The legal team balance failed legal arguments on their endearingly brown noses. There’s no shortage of clowns.
This trial is about fraud. That’s it. Are you going to broadcast every trial about fraud? No. Is there any reason to broadcast a fraud trial? No.
So who else wants it televised? The networks. It’s about the only way they can pretend to be relevant in post-IQ America. The ratings might help their heavily overloaded bottom lines. That’s real desperation if you need a definition.
Trump claims to be being treated unfairly. The trial is based entirely on his own figures. These same figures gave him his social and business status. He has yet to defend a single figure or specific valuation. Is that unfair? How?
He has a chance to at least make a case for himself, and apparently can’t even be bothered doing that. He still believes in his invulnerability, despite antagonizing just about everyone but his sycophants.
He does however have an audience—America’s least perceptive and least rational people. MAGA supporters won’t understand a word of the case. It’s all about him, as usual. You could hardly call it “informing the public”.
There’s a pattern here. It’s not just that Trump has no modesty. He has routinely claimed to be greater than Washington and Lincoln. He’s claimed himself to be the most popular president in US history. What he invariably lacks is any sort of proof of any statement he makes. This case is proving that.
It’s all spin. He’s “polling ahead in a key state”, Georgia, which is also trying to convict him of election fraud. He’s staring potential bankruptcy in the face of a $4.2 billion loan guarantee. Any of these indictments could wipe him out politically and financially.
…And he wants this massive nuclear strike to himself and his business televised? Meanwhile, he’s threatening everybody and everything, also as usual.
Let’s put this in simple terms.
AWOPBOPALOOBOPALOPBAMBOOM is a classic American political acronym. It may be also a misquote.
It stands for:
America’s Woeful Obviously Prefer Believing Overexposing Political Aberrations Look OK On Broadcasts Of Politically Absurd Losers Opening Portals Bringing Alternative Mindless Bull Of Optimal Morons.
Little Richard was just being polite. Any related reference to fruit was purely coincidental.
Any questions?
The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.